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Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society
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Documentos disponibles de esta editorial
Bourgeois attitudes : Gustav Freytag´s novels of life in nineteenth-century germany / Thomas, Lionel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1973)
Título : Bourgeois attitudes : Gustav Freytag´s novels of life in nineteenth-century germany Tipo de documento: texto impreso Autores: Thomas, Lionel Editorial: Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Fecha de publicación: 1973 Número de páginas: p. 59-74 Bourgeois attitudes : Gustav Freytag´s novels of life in nineteenth-century germany [texto impreso] / Thomas, Lionel . - Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1973 . - p. 59-74.Ejemplares (1)
Signatura Estado 197-2-22 Disponible Childhood remembered and recorded : a review and discussion of three works / Thody, P. M. W / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1993)
Título : Childhood remembered and recorded : a review and discussion of three works Tipo de documento: texto impreso Autores: Thody, P. M. W ; Coe, Richard N. (1923-1987) Editorial: Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Fecha de publicación: 1993 Número de páginas: 15 p Childhood remembered and recorded : a review and discussion of three works [texto impreso] / Thody, P. M. W ; Coe, Richard N. (1923-1987) . - Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1993 . - 15 p.Ejemplares (1)
Signatura Estado F-19-15 Disponible Dr. Higgs and Merton College Library : a study in seventeenth-century book-collecting and librarianship / Morrish, P. S / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1988)
Título : Dr. Higgs and Merton College Library : a study in seventeenth-century book-collecting and librarianship Tipo de documento: texto impreso Autores: Morrish, P. S Editorial: Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Fecha de publicación: 1988 Número de páginas: 65 p Dr. Higgs and Merton College Library : a study in seventeenth-century book-collecting and librarianship [texto impreso] / Morrish, P. S . - Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1988 . - 65 p.Ejemplares (1)
Signatura Estado 200-7-21 Disponible Fulk of Neuilly / O´Brien, John / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1969)
Título : Fulk of Neuilly Tipo de documento: texto impreso Autores: O´Brien, John Editorial: Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Fecha de publicación: 1969 Número de páginas: p. 105-148 Nota general: Separata de: Leeds Philosophical and Literacy Society, Literacy and Historical Section, Vol. XIII, part IV, pp. 105-148. Palabras clave: Fulco Nulliacensis Aspectos biográficos Cultura francesa Fulk of Neuilly [texto impreso] / O´Brien, John . - Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1969 . - p. 105-148.
Separata de: Leeds Philosophical and Literacy Society, Literacy and Historical Section, Vol. XIII, part IV, pp. 105-148.
Palabras clave: Fulco Nulliacensis Aspectos biográficos Cultura francesa Ejemplares (1)
Signatura Estado 32-4-52 Disponible Gauleiter Bürckel and the Bavarian Palatinate : 1933-40 / Harrison, E. D. R. / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1986)
Título : Gauleiter Bürckel and the Bavarian Palatinate : 1933-40 Tipo de documento: texto impreso Autores: Harrison, E. D. R. (1954-) Editorial: Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society Fecha de publicación: 1986 Número de páginas: 19 p Gauleiter Bürckel and the Bavarian Palatinate : 1933-40 [texto impreso] / Harrison, E. D. R. (1954-) . - Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, 1986 . - 19 p.Ejemplares (1)
Signatura Estado F-3-37 Disponible George Saunders on Germany 1919-1920 : correspondance and memoranda / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1987)
PermalinkHeinrich Mann´s Kaiserreich trilogy with special reference to Der Untertan / Thomas, Lionel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1977)
PermalinkHeinrich von Kleist and his stories / Thomas, Lionel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1962)
PermalinkHigden´s minor writings and the fourteenth-century church / Jennings, Margaret / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1977)
PermalinkLuise von François : "Dichterin von Gottes Gnaden" / Thomas, Lionel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1964)
PermalinkA medieval miscellany in honour of professor John Le Patourel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1982)
PermalinkOn "physical" phrases in old spanish epic and other texts / Smith, C. C / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1967)
PermalinkOn reading Chaucer / Hill, Betty / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1971)
PermalinkOtto Ludwig´s Zwischen Himmel und Erde / Thomas, Lionel / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1975)
PermalinkPatience Napoleon : studies in the history of the game of patience / Ross, Alan S. C / Leeds : Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society (1963)